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The Voltage Stabilizers protects any machine and Electronic Equipment from Voltage fluctuations. They maintain constant voltage Irrespective of change in the Incoming Voltage and the External conditions. A Servo Stabilizer is a Servo motor controlled stabilization system that performs Optimum Voltage supply using a Buck\Boost Transformer Booster that captures voltage fluctuations from Input and Regulates Current to the Correct Output.
Powertek make servo provide accurate voltage for your expensive equipment irrespective of the incoming line voltage. Powertek servo’s incorporate sold control devices. Stepper motor operates the auto transformer with buck and boost Transformer. Whenever output voltage changes the Electronic circuit produces an error signal which moves the auto Transformer drive motor and feeds the voltage to primary of buck boost, the secondary of buck-boost is in series with the load so that the secondary voltage gets added or subtracted to maintain the output voltage within 0.5% of the set voltage.
Fully Solid state Control circuit for high Reliability.
Synchronous motor Drive for high performance.
Excellent Regulations of +/- 1%
Zero Wave form Distortion
Plug & Play Type control PCB's for easy maintenance.
Auto - Manual Operation Facility.
High Efficiency.
Over - Under voltage protection
Voltmeters to read Input / Output voltage
Cyclic and Routine Tests conducted on every unit.
Outdoor Type (IP 55) Enclosure can be supplied.
110V Output can also be supplied.
Spike's and surge protection using suitable SPD's
Special Input / Output range available on request.
Under /Over Voltage cutoff protection through contactor's
Overload / Short Circuit protection through MCB / MCCB's
Single Phase / Phase Reversal Prevention.
Manual By-Pass / Changeover Facility
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